Cooking Salmon Burgers

Everything you need to know about cooking our Sockeye Salmon Burgers to perfection All of our Sockeye Salmon bur...

Blackened Fillet with Lime

[[ recipeID=recipe-9l519cjli, title=BLACKENED FILLET WITH LIME ]]  

Basic Salmon Marinade

[[ recipeID=recipe-9l519pb9c, title=BASIC SALMON MARINADE ]]

King Salmon & Tomato Chutney

[[ recipeID=recipe-9l51ay5ja, title=KING SALMON & TOMATO CHUTNEY ]]

Wild Salmon Salad

[[ recipeID=recipe-9l51bdugg, title=WILD SALMON SALAD ]]

Cooking Tips

How To Cook Seafood  A tutorial on cooking your favorite seafoods in the oven, on the stove top, or on the grill You...