Wild for Salmon is Wildly Devoted!

1% of sales at Wild for Salmon will be donated to save salmon.
As we collectively welcome in 2019 and Wild for Salmon’s fifteenth year in business, we are excited and proud to make this announcement. We have been committed to the future of wild salmon from the beginning; our first Bristol Bay summer was spent on the beaches of the Naknek River in 2001, and we have been returning each summer since.
Our dedication to wild salmon has evolved right alongside our business. First, it was simply a decision to return and experience the epic and overwhelming return of the salmon to Bristol Bay each summer as fishermen. Then it was about investing in the fishery: Steve captained a boat then bought a permit and continued to fish hard. We believe that this investment in the fishery is an investment also in its environment. In today’s society, conservation is largely driven by more than passion and the environment; for better or for worse, it’s also driven by economics. Fishing in Bristol Bay helps the world know about the area’s worth and that it’s worth more than the consequences of any poorly-planned development, particularly open-pit copper mines.
Next, our business grew back home in Pennsylvania. We started bringing back more than just a couple coolers full of fish to share and sell with our local community. We hustled to Farmer’s Markets across the county, set up buying clubs, opened a brick and mortar retail store and eventually began selling sustainable seafood online. In this role, we were spreading the message: know where your food comes from, learn about the threatened and important resources of wild foods, cherish these places. We encouraged people to vote with their fork--and much to our amazement and gratitude, eat and vote and comment and share they did. All in the name of wild salmon.
Thus, fifteen years later, with a solid business foundation under us, the F/V Ava Jane running each summer, and the threat of Pebble Mine looming larger than ever, we are making our strongest commitment yet: 1% of sales will be donated to Trout Unlimited Alaska to support their efforts in protecting Bristol Bay. Each item you add to your cart -- from sockeye salmon portions to pacific cod -- will contribute to your donation whether you are an in-store customer, online-only, or even a wholesale buyer. Nothing will change on your end except hopefully a feeling of satisfaction and faith that your food choices are good ones working to support good things.
Thank you for choosing to purchase your sustainable seafood at Wild for Salmon and being Wildly Devoted! We are dedicated to creatively supporting wild salmon for years to come. Save Bristol Bay!
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