Albacore Tuna Poke

Albacore Tuna Poke

Have you tried Poke (pronounced POH-keh) yet? This Hawaiian raw-fish salad is typically served as an appetizer. Although we've been known to eat it as lunch or dinner! This version calls for our Albacore Tuna, but you can also try this recipe with our Bristol Bay Sockeye. 

Poke is a fresh and flavorful meal perfect for hot summer days or as a reminder of those times during a cozy winter! There are many variations of ways to enjoy this meal, but you can't go wrong pairing high-quality fish, with rice, with vegetables like avocado, carrots, cucumbers, or whatever adds the splash of color you're looking for! Plus, the health benefits are clear: fish protein, good carbs, and veggies!  

Wild for Salmon Albacore Tuna

 [[ recipeID=recipe-9l4ojyr9p, title=ALBACORE TUNA POKE ]]

Halibut Cheek Ceviche
Interested in a salmon poke bowl? Try this one from our friends at Bristol Bay Sockeye. As Bristol Bay Sockeye says, f
or any raw or semi-raw preparations, BBRSDA always recommends using properly frozen seafood. 
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