Happy End to Holiday Season! You made it through -- the extra cooking, the long-stretches of family time, the excessive-amounts of sugar, the last-minute gift buying -- congrats!
We’re proud of you, and hope you are too.
We hope, even more so, that your holiday celebrations were supported with a little Wild for Salmon seafood. 😏Either way, here’s to hoping that the new year will be!
No matter how you’re kick-starting the new year, chances are you’re being told to eat fish and seafood. Your doctor, your trainer, a friend, a relative, your favorite fishermen ;), (maybe even yourself?) are recommending eating seafood at least a few times a week. We are not alone. The American Heart Association, the American Diabetes Association, the Whole 30 and the Keto Diet each call for involving seafood in your weekly meals. Further, its written into the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
For some of you, this year's reset won’t be any different. You’re a long-time Wild for Salmon customer who is in the straightforward routine of stocking your freezer with sustainable and wild seafood options. Some of you, though, might be committed to starting a new diet. This new diet likely calls for fish -- don’t be nervous! Fish isn’t new to us, and we’re here to help.
At Wild for Salmon,
we are concerned with making your seafood experience transparent, easy, and delicious. Everything you see on our site is the most sustainable option, as direct from the fisherman as possible (often our owners themselves!) and wild. You shop around our product page, fill your cart, and then we ship it right to your door with dry ice so that it arrives just as it left our freezer. Finally, we work hard to keep our recipes section updated and fresh. If you’re not sure what to do with your new delivery, this page is a great place to start.
Along with the Seafood Nutrition Partnership and Wild for Salmon, we are hoping you’ll take the pledge #seafood2xwk with us. The SNP is 501(c)3 nonprofit with a mission “to inspire a healthier America through partnerships and outreach to raise awareness about the essential nutritional benefits of eating seafood.” Their website is full of information and recipes to make this pledge-taking a fun part of your week. You can take the pledge right here. When you’re done, check out the signatures map at the bottom of the page -- have your neighbors signed?
Is it time to have a dinner party?
Bon appétit! Here’s to healthy eating in 2021!

Chart provided by the Seafood Nutrition Partnership.
1 comment
Need a good recipe for the black cod that I received. It’s the best!